Did you know?
*Aspen Springs Subdivisions 1-6 were initially plotted in 1971
*The official recording of Aspen Springs Subdivisions 1-6 occurred in Archuleta County in 1972
*We have been informed that Aspen Springs Subdivisions 1-6 comprise the 2nd largest subdivision in the continental United States
*Aspen Springs Property Owners’ Association was active starting in the ‘70’s
*The “Tidy House” was built in Unit 5 by the Aspen Springs Property Owners’ group to support the group’s functions
*Aspen Springs Metropolitan District was formed in 1987, tasked with road maintenance
*Aspen Springs Metropolitan District currently provides maintenance and snow plowing services to 65 miles of roads and until this year, with only two full time employees
*Aspen Springs Metropolitan District did hire a third full time employee in 2010
*The group that originally formed under the name Aspen Springs POA changed their name to Aspen Springs Community Pride in 2005 and as a group attained non-profit status
*Due to lack of involvement and cost of upkeep, The “Tidy House” was sold to a private individual in the mid-2000’s
*Aspen Springs Metropolitan District amended the District charter to include water and parks in 2008
*The Board of Directors spent a year to a year and a half finding a lot that would not infringe on existing water rights and got the approval from the regional water director
*Aspen Springs Metropolitan District purchased two adjoining lots in Unit 2 with the intent on drilling a well to pursue a water fill station for the residents and applied for the commercial water permit
*Aspen Springs Community Pride began reforming to take a look at the all of the strengths in Aspen Springs in order to better address the challenges
*Aspen Springs Community Pride then funded drilling the well on the lots in Unit 2 in the spring of 2009
*The well that ASMD and ASCP have been working on together is 725 feet deep and has approximately 85 lbs of pressure on the well head
*The State of Colorado then gave notice that there were possible water right infringements
*Aspen Springs Metropolitan District hired a water engineer to oversee a special pressure test to determine how much water there is and if pressure would sustain or decline
*The well passed the pressure test with no problems- the quality test indicates high levels of iron, manganese and fluoride
*July 2010, a joint effort by ASMD and ASCP did procure an Archuleta County 1A/land conservancy grant to build the first community park in Archuleta County that is not within Pagosa Springs city limits